Trans Canada Trail Arctic Water Route

COMPLETED | The Legacy Tourism team worked on the TransCanada Trail Artic Water Route for Alberta Trailnet on two separate but related projects, covering the river from Athabasca, Alberta to Fort Smith, NWT.



Recreation and Tourism Plan

In partnership with Stantec Engineering “Live the Athabasca” was a forward-looking recreation and tourism concept plan for Alberta’s Trans Canada Trail Arctic Water Route. This work created a tourism concept plan for the lower section of the Athabasca River from Athabasca, Alberta to  Fort McMurray, Alberta. A second project partnered with McElhanney from Fort McMurray, AB to Fort Smith, NWT.

In both projects, Legacy focused efforts on the market feasibility review, as well as on-river fieldwork including the river evaluation and classification work in the report.


Recreation and Tourism Concept Plan – Phase II

Legacy Tourism Group identified significant recreation, tourism, historical and cultural features along the river including a technical assessment of all class II or higher rapids; evaluating the condition and sustainability of existing recreation and tourism features; determining the recreation and tourism experiences that the features and settings can provide visitors; identifying target markets and market demands; identifying gaps between the current recreation and tourism experiences on offer and the market expectations; highlighting potential options and scenarios to address the gaps and market the river’s features; identifying land use, environmental and other constraints to the development of the water route associated with the lower Athabasca River and Upper Slave River; determining potential resource development effects on river-based recreation and tourism opportunities and determining the order of magnitude costing of proposed infrastructure.


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