Aerial Adventure Park

McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd partnered once again with the Legacy Tourism Group to provide tourism expertise on the design and construction of the Kinosoo Ridge Snow Resort – Aerial Adventure Park.

The Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 has embarked on an ambitious expansion of the Kinosoo Ridge Snow Resort to incorporate year-round amenities including an exciting aerial adventure park. This park will draw local residents to the area throughout summer and act as a catalyst for ongoing engagement in further planned summer expansions such as hiking, camping, and water sports. Legacy is providing market and tourism expertise for this MCSL-led project as well as big-picture awareness items likely to impact the economic feasibility of any specific features.

Project Update

Kinosoo Business and Destination Management Plan

The Business and Destination Management Plan was produced to better inform decision making regarding operations and potential growth opportunities for Kinosoo Ridge Resort. It assists in prioritizing infrastructure investment (capital and operational); informs program development and delivery of all components of the complex; and identifies opportunities to strengthen collaboration to deliver the best services to the community and region.

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