Legacy Tourism Group team members Jim DeHart and Rod Taylor are heading to Calgary, Alberta November 7 and 8 to attend the 2017 International Aboriginal Tourism Conference. The annual community-led,…
Aboriginal Tourism BC (AtBC) and Northern BC Tourism have announced that they will be working together to promote and grow Aboriginal cultural tourism in the northern BC region. Read More…
The Aboriginal Tourism Association of Canada (ATAC) has unveiled the 2017/2018 Guide to Aboriginal Tourism in Canada. The guide is free on the Aboriginal Canada website and aims to generate…
Rod Taylor and Jim DeHart attended the Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Conference (sustainableindigenoustourism.com) at Vancouver Island University on April 12 & 13, 2017. This symposium promoted innovations in community-based research and…
Congratulations to Legacy team member Keith Henry on his appointment as a Canada 150 Ambassador to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. For more information click here for the BC Metis Federation press release…
December, 2016 – International Aboriginal Tourism Conference, Membertou, Nova Scotia Legacy Tourism Group team members Deirdre Campbell, John Caton, Jim DeHart, Keith Henry and Rod Taylor will be attending the…
Campbell River, British Columbia, June, 2016. Legacy Tourism Group and their executive team is collaborating with BC First Nations on Tourism Concept Development Plans for spectacular remote tourism locations within…
Yukon Territory, June 2016. Legacy Tourism Group is actively working with local First Nations on developing three new unique wilderness Tourism operations within the Yukon Territory. Parks Canada/Carcross Tagish First…